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What if you give yourself all that you have imagined?

How many times have you started to fantasize about everything you would like to have, but you see it extremely distant or unattainable. Today I want to tell you that everything is possible, do this exercise and see the results for yourself.
– Write down on a piece of paper and in order of importance to you place all the things you want, do not worry about asking for too much, remember that there are no limits.
– Read this list when you wake up, and before you go to sleep.
– Often Think about these desires, enjoy imagining them as if you were living them and whenever you visualize them, be grateful for them.
– Do not tell anyone about this exercise, this is very important, because if you tell anyone about it, the strength dissipates, and you will not see your wishes come true.
Start being splendid with yourself, do not put in your wishes: a better job, on the contrary I want THE BEST job. If it is money, put a sum, a big sum, you have to be specific.
In your first list put simple things so that little by little you get into the habit of I deserve, and you will experience this co-creation of your desires, doing this you will see how wonderful things will happen to you. It is very normal that you doubt, and do not believe that this is possible, especially if this idea is very new to you, when you are skeptical, read again your list and read it again and be grateful as if you already have it.
When you read your list again you will be surprised, because you will have to cross out some points because you will have already achieved most of your desires, and that is when you will redo your list with more important points, your higher self will indicate that these desires are within your reach.
And another thing do not worry about the “HOW’ they will be given to you just trust, the energy of being, of the deserved is a divine mandate beyond human understanding.
With love Chio Murillo
About the Author
Comencé hace más de 6 años por sanarme a mi misma y de ahí llegaron a mi vida una tras otra diferentes técnicas de sanación.