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The Alchemist in you
Each of us has the ability to transform ourselves and this transformation can be on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
When we connect with our higher selves and begin to open an infinite world of possibilities, that is when everything that I call Miracles happens! And miracles are nothing more than the transformation of desires, dreams and thoughts turned into matter!
Yes! When you manage to materialize those wishes, you become an alchemist! It may have happened to you that at some point, when you focused and put all your attention on what you wanted so much Boom! You got it!
On this occasion, I want to share with you how you can use the power of an alchemist that you have to your advantage. Alchemy is nothing more than transforming matter. To start realizing those dreams, ask yourself first:
I want it?
I need it?
When your soul or your higher being really needs it, either for your evolution, for your development, for your growth and you are also ready to receive it; Immediately doors, roads will open and people or situations will come to you that are going to propitiate. That what you need suddenly comes to you in some way!
Whereas, if you ask for it from the ego, you will find blocks, negatives and many stumbling blocks. So it is important to differentiate between “what I want” and “what I need.”
When you connect with that “I need” more and more paths open up to you, allowing you to manifest everything that by divine mandate corresponds to you on this plane for your evolution.
I give you some examples: Maybe you dreamed of being a doctor and you tried hard wanting to be one and maybe you even are! But it was only from the ego and, in that process of focusing on being a doctor, more paths or “signs” opened up for you, which led you to be a writer. For example, you realized that you did writing projects at the university with wonderful ease, and later you were asked to write essays for medical and science magazines, etc. And you, you continued in that you wanted to be a doctor, earning very little and not having as many satisfactions as when a new article or essay of yours was published and that happened because your being needs to be a writer! Imagine if you had removed those “egos” called programs, beliefs, what would they say? I’m too old to change careers, I’m going to starve if I dedicate myself to writing.
You imagine? You would have been or would be an amazing alchemist! Because you would be transforming that intention into something material.
Find your inner alchemist, connect with your higher self and ask all those questions, no matter what stage, what age or situation you are going through and allow yourself to transform those dreams into matter!

About the Author
Comencé hace más de 6 años por sanarme a mi misma y de ahí llegaron a mi vida una tras otra diferentes técnicas de sanación.
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