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Synergy to manifest
How many times has it happened to you that you think of something and it is given to you? Maybe something as simple as thinking about that person, that you hadn’t known about her for a long time and boom! you receive his call … and like this, a lot of events that have been happening to you in this way and that many times you do not notice them …
Some of those desires are in your unconscious and from time to time those “crazy ideas” come to you and then you discard them yourself. Sometimes you will have thought about what you would like to do or achieve and it only remains … however when you begin to pay attention to your intuition through listening carefully to those ‘hunches’, the universe begins to send you signals, paths, person, and events for those ideas to manifest, you just have to be very attentive to these.

Listen to them carefully and with all your wisdom, knowing how to take these opportunities that life gives you, even if sometimes it is by accident….
A little over a year ago, I had the opportunity to participate in a healers’ fair, an event that before this beautiful pandemic (Yes, it is really beautiful, it gave me many beautiful things, which I will tell you in another article) I performed year after year, where I had the privilege of sharing with many other fellow healers, friends, and teachers.
Years ago I had decided that my logo would be the image of a beautiful Buddha, which like all synchronicity events had given me, and my very good friend: Manuel Torres, designed my logo. Just for this event, I had made some T-shirts with that logo, and I was in the middle of remodeling my study, having been looking for spiritual art … And what do you think? There was!

My dear friend Selena Drake, began to make paintings with a technique called “pour painting” beautiful, and that year she decided to participate in this event with a kiosk of her works, to be installed (we were installed one in front of the other) and time instead of observing everything, I observed how she was placing each one of her works, and suddenly: there was my Buddha! I approached him and asked him about him … I invite you to read the rest of this story in his book: “Journey of an accidental artist: channeling the afterlife through intuitive arts.”
Wow! At that moment I realized all those synchronicity events that were happening in my life so that I could get to my painting.
However, I must confess that until I read Selena’s book, where she lovingly mentions this episode in our lives, I understood the deep meaning of synergy, of how two beings can connect in a perfect, coherent and loving way to co- create those states of being where both realities come together and manifest themselves in a perfect way.
While I was looking for something for my office, which is where magic happens, where I have the honor of listening to stories, accompanying trees to heal, collaborating in deprogramming family inheritances and where, in the end, changes and the feeling of joy begin. freedom of my consultants; At the same time, Selena embodied this intention on that canvas, promoting harmony, love and liberation for whoever would have it.
And today not only Selena exhibits her works in various galleries, but she has published her book on this personal journey of transformation.
For my part, I continue to accompany the transformation of those lives that trust me and now there is this space for you.
You listen to the signals, of the events that are happening to you or as my loving collaborator said: Vianey: “The whole conjugating”, because even by accident, as the title of Selena’s book indicates: They will take you to the right place!
With love Chio Murillo
About the Author
Comencé hace más de 6 años por sanarme a mi misma y de ahí llegaron a mi vida una tras otra diferentes técnicas de sanación.
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