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Honor your Masters
Each of us has had different masters in our lives, whether in some institution such as school, university, in some course, etc. Even in life, our parents have been the first masters and from there, they follow: siblings, family, friends, society in general, we move on to the couple and also to the children.
Sometimes we run into great “Masters”, people who come into our lives to give us those beautiful lessons of learning, and sometimes not so beautiful, but still teach us.
Today, I want to talk about those chosen masters, those people who intentionally share their knowledge with us. I have had the great fortune of having beautiful masters, who have nourished me in every way, both in learning and in the soul. It is important to note that, through all of them, today, I have the privilege of accompanying people in their healing process.

I’m going to start with my beautiful masters Paul and Cathy Scott. When I was in the darkest night of my soul, my body decided to speak for me and stop everything I was doing, that’s how I got to the hospital emergency room to have surgery, if I had not arrived at that time, today I could not be sharing this story.
My body was very bad, in pain and it took time to recover, it was then that the universe took me with Cathy and Paul, they had a group of «quantum touch», from that first moment, without knowing where I was going, because a friend invited me, I had my first encounter with this beautiful technique; soon, they became my “masters”, because in my desire to to heal and so my body could return to normal so I could move and work, I took countless courses and certifications with them. Today I am certified as a «Quantum Touch Healer» and wow! it did work; my body recovered in an amazing way (until then, it was amazing to me to think that only with the intention and the laying on of hands, we would pass that healing energy).
And so, the universe wanted another wonderful “master” Teza Sialcita to come into my life, all without looking for it, like a fractal event, another friend invited me to a meditation circle and boom! That’s where I met Teza . I learned to access my «Akashic records», my past lives, my life mission! Teza, she became a great mentor to me, from her, not only did I learn the akashic records; but how, when you are a lightworker or healer, it is important to motivate other people to do so.To identify their gifts! I remember very well that it was a spring afternoon, at the end of one of his meditation circles he said to me: «Chio, you are ready to help and share your healing gifts with others», at that moment my “I deserve”, was still very limited and I thought, “Me?” How? I just came out of a situation of devastation! However, that’s where my spirit of a therapist was born! Teza, thank you, thank you!
And I begin to accompany beautiful people, once I am physically and emotionally healed, at that moment immersed in my appetite to learn more and more, to be able to continue accompanying more people in this process, my great “friend and master” Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez appears in my life, he resides in Mexico, but, thanks to this constant eagerness to walk the world, Miguel comes to Vancouver and “someone” (I really don’t remember who), invites me to a talk that a kid would give about self-esteem; so, my student spirit takes me there and Boom!, that was my first meeting with Miguel, I was fascinated by his class! From that moment, I decided that we would be friends and since he was a friend of another great friend of mine, the decree was given, today he is not only my friend; but my great master, from him I have learned many things; I can say that, he certified me with the technique of “Biokinet” (it is a compendium between: kinesiology, bioneuroemotion, PNL, among others), to date I give myself the opportunity to take at least three workshops a year with him, since in each of them I find new knowledge for myself and my consultants. Thank you friend, master and now colleague!
And all of a sudden, there’s the blessed pandemic. At first, I’m not going to deny it, I was also afraid; however, among my contacts I had a wonderful therapist Fernando Bernal, to whom I had already made some previous consultations, he is the discoverer of “quantum kinesiology” (at a distance), among many other things. Fernando, is a true “Human Book” full of love, wisdom and always willing to share!, He lives in Spain. If it hadn’t been for the pandemic, maybe I wouldn’t have been able to certify myself to this day; because, because everything was closed (as you already know), Fernando and his team give an online certification regarding «Quantum Flower Remedies» Wow! I was able to take it and certify it! Today, Fernando is another of my great friends, masters and now a colleague, he has taught me not only that great knowledge, but also to remind me of that human part, that part of giving, that part of being empathetic with others through their own actions, and above all, to trust in my own ability to do so. So, Fernando, thank you! Because thanks to him my consultations go beyond the hour in my office, always available for my consultants! Thank you friend, master and now colleague!
One thing always leads us to another, and through Fernando, another great “master” comes into my life Mari Carmen Rivera Santiago Sacred Biogeometry! I knew the symbols of «sacred geometry», you know, the tree of life, the «merkabah», the «metatron cube»; but never as deep as today. And, all because once again Blessed pandemic! It made my dear Mari Carmen dare to give her course in «Sacred Biogeometry» online and clearly, there I was!
Wow! Wow! What a beautiful learning it is, that those symbols go beyond being fashionable, they are symbols as their name suggests, sacred and millennial, that have a wonderful effect on any living thing. Today I want to tell you that sacred biogeometry is my daily companion tool and that thanks to Mari Carmen openly sharing all her knowledge, today I can do it. Thank you thank you, beautiful master and now also colleague!
Last but not least, there is a beautiful person who accompanied me in my healing process and who became my “master”, friend and colleague, Laurinda Hernandez. Even though I have not taken courses with “Lau” (so dear); all those hours of her accompaniment in my process, had an effect and those transmitted knowledge that I can say I implemented today, also help me to be able to accompany other beings. But perhaps the most beautiful thing that Lau has taught me is that, “There is no competition”, even though we both accompany people in their healing nowadays (with different techniques) and being in the same city, I can sense the true happiness Lau feels for my accomplishments! He taught me that from being a master, you can see how someone reaches your level, because you put one of your grains of sand on that person. Lau, thank you, thank you! I love you so much.
Today, as I give accompaniment, workshops and courses, I thank all these beautiful masters who left their mark on me, who openly and lovingly shared their knowledge with me, who came into my life to change it, and who, through me, their knowledge continues and will continue to be shared.
Honor your masters is honor yourself, appreciating where you learned from and recognizing how much you have grown.
About the Author
Comencé hace más de 6 años por sanarme a mi misma y de ahí llegaron a mi vida una tras otra diferentes técnicas de sanación.
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