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15 Ways to Fill Your Home with Good Energy and Vibrations

Very often we talk about places and people emanating “good energy” or “bad energy”, when in reality what we mean is that the energy is either high or low. Scientifically, the description of energy as high or low is actually described as a degree of vibration or frequency, which our body and mind perceives it.
A house full of good vibrational energy, becomes a “home” no matter if you live alone or in company, it will always be a place where we will feel protection and well being, because it is your temple.
Some people talk about high vibrations and energy when they want to refer to how it feels to be with a special person or a specific place. This may be true, remember that everything is energy, and the higher the level of “vibration” a person or place has, the better we will feel.
If the vibration of our homes is very high, it will transmit a better energy to others and it will be a welcoming space where everyone would like to be. That could translate into a clean place, or a person who does not bring many existential complications.
I want to share with you 15 ways to raise the vibration of your home, I want to tell you that I practice each one of them, because for me it is important to feel full and that my patients feel comfortable.
- Be organized.
Eliminate clutter, get rid of duplicate items and things that no longer have any use; this way you will feel more liberated, happy and comfortable. Limit your closet a bit, get rid of items you have ‘just in case’, that you never really use, always choose quality over quantity.
Other ways to eliminate clutter from your home include avoiding, using multi-purpose products and spending on experiences instead of ‘stuff’.

- Burn herbs to raise the energy and vibration of your home.
The burning of herbs, a practice known as smudging, has been used for thousands of years to cleanse the air of impurities such as bacteria and viruses. The sahumerio is also used as a traditional mystical ritual, which changes, cleanses and alters the surrounding air.
Being a ritual, some people do not take it seriously, but it is a matter of mindset, and while it does not mean that the meaning of a ritual is law, if it is done for the good, it will cause a positive effect.
Begin this ritual by taking a bundle of dried herbs and lighting it, then quickly extinguish the flame, this will allow the smoke to float around the house. Both the healing properties and the aroma of the herbs are released into the air. While sage is by far the most popular herb to smoke, pine, rosemary and lavender are also good choices.
I highly recommend COPAL, which I have discussed in previous programs.
The incense can be used to cleanse your space when you:
– You move into a new home
– You start a new job or career
– A guest leaves your home
– Before meditation
– You have just had an argument or suffered an illness.
You can also light an incense that combines several earthy herbs, all you have to do is place the mixture on a lit charcoal disc on top of your incense burner. Use sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, pine needles, or patchouli incense to cleanse the air, and your space.

- Diffuse essential oils
Notice that before each of my sessions, I make an energetic connection with my patient to see which essence works best for them.
Essential oils work to cleanse your home, help you feel light and uplifted, as they do have a unique and pleasant aroma. Many also have potent antimicrobial properties that eliminate viruses and bacteria in the air.
To elevate the energy and vibrations in your living space, try diffusing rose, basil, cypress, frankincense, juniper, lavender, myrrh, sage, mint, sandalwood, cinnamon, rosemary and eucalyptus.
If you don’t have a diffuser, you can also add the mixture to a spray bottle and spray it around the house.
Mix one tablespoon of vodka, six tablespoons of filtered water and 10 to 40 drops of essential oils of your choice in a small spray bottle. Shake well before each use, this is a very potent and purifying mixture.

- Himalayan Salt Lamp
These softly glowing salt lamps are a natural source of fresh, clean air, just what you need to clean your home while providing an aura of calm as they attract water, plus they have incredible power to remove dust, pollen, smoke and other impurities from the air.
Himalayan salt lamps also emit negative ions which means they increase energy levels, eliminate static electricity, neutralize electromagnetic radiation, stimulate sleep and improve overall mood.

- Listen to music to increase frequencies
Music is more than just entertainment or an art form. I believe that someday we will invite our friend Manuel Torres from the alas artes program to talk to us more in depth about this subject, but based on my experience, I can tell you that music can have a calming and healing effect on the whole body, it alters the vibrations in whatever space it fills.
There are several studies that have shown that the right kind of music provides pain relief, benefits the heart, blood and immune system, enhances learning, combats fatigue and promotes sleep.
- Put fresh plants and flowers for good energy in the room.
Enjoying nature and all it has to offer is a sure way to fill you with positive vibes and an uplifted mood. Eco-therapy (being in nature) has caught the attention of the scientific community as many studies find that it combats depression and improves mental health and well-being. In the next program I will talk more about it, although of course I have already told you about tree baths and connecting with your tree.
If this is the case, why not bring nature into your home to receive positive energy? One way to do this is to fill your own space with potted plants and fresh flowers, their bright colors and fragrance also make your home a welcoming space.
My favorite is the money tree, which aside from its archetype of abundance, grows beautifully and its leaves are elegant.
According to experts, some plants are better than others for promoting positive energy and enhancing well-being. Some of the best include bamboo, jasmine, lavender, miniature roses, rosemary, mint, chrysanthemum, aloe vera and orchids.

- Consider crystals for uplifting vibes.
The use of crystals for healing and positivity dates back to ancient times. The Sumerians made “magic potions” from quartz, the Greeks used amethyst as amulets, and the Chinese used jade in medicine.
These popular crystals are said to have numerous benefits, even if you don’t believe in the healing powers of crystals, they can add some flair to your home, guaranteed to put you in an improved mood.
Why not try having them in your home? Their beauty to the eye and what seeing them produces can be more than any belief. They are a priceless jewel. Try the following stones and you will see the excellent effects they give to your space:
– Turquoise
– Bloodstone
– Smoky Quartz
– Rose Quartz
– Carnelian
– Quartz crystal
– Celestine
– Citrine
– Aventurine
- Choose colors that have a positive influence on your mood
The colors used in our home are a direct reflection of our personality and can affect our moods and thoughts in very subtle ways. While I know that many of us who live in Vancouver are not allowed to paint, well I recommend that perhaps you can hang canvases in the color that brings you the most peace of mind.
The reaction to a color is unique to each person, so choose the one you feel is right for you. In general, we are affected by color in the following ways:
Red – Raises the energy level of a room and increases adrenaline and blood pumping, therefore energy. It can be too stimulating for some people, and some spaces. Crimson can invoke feelings of anger and hostility. This is not highly recommended.
Yellow – It is energizing and stimulating. It captures the joy of sunlight and signs of happiness. Too much yellow can create feelings of frustration and anger. So, be abused.
Blue – Can be calming, relaxing and serene, but can also cause feelings of sadness.
Green – The most soothing color to the eye, promoting comfort, calm and growth.
Purple – Darker shades are associated with luxury, creativity and drama. Lighter versions bring the same restful quality as blue, but with more warmth.
Orange – Evokes excitement, enthusiasm and energy.

- Light candles for high energy in the atmosphere.
Candles have been used for thousands of years to provide light, convey calm and highlight celebration. Their deep yellow glow is hypnotic, reflective and a great focal point for meditation.
Lighting any candle will help increase the vibrations in your home, but choosing certain colors and scents in candles (like the ones I’ve been talking about) will increase them even more.
Remember that many store-bought candles can be hazardous to your health and contribute to poor air quality. Opt for soy-based candles, scented with natural essential oils or, you could also make your own candles.
- Let the fresh air in
A poorly ventilated and oxygen-starved home can lead to feelings of lethargy and low mood. It’s just an unpleasant place to be. One of the easiest ways to freshen the air is to open the windows. Simply letting fresh air in for a few minutes each morning before going to work will cleanse and rejuvenate.
Increase the oxygen levels in your home and you’ll soon feel more energetic, sleep better and enjoy better overall health.
Other ways to keep the air feeling fresh indoors include avoiding chemical air fresheners, immediate washing of dirty clothes, if you wash your clothes quickly as those bacteria we get on the street we bring them home, keep your pet beds clean, don’t forget to take off your shoes before entering the house.
- Meditate
Raise your own vibrations through positive thinking, clear intention and a focused perspective, this is also known as meditation.
When you start doing it, you will feel happier and less stressed. You will be able to enjoy greater concentration, awareness and self-acceptance. There are physical benefits as well such as improved heart health, immune function, and longevity.
Once you begin to feel the beneficial effects of meditation, you will soon begin to associate them with the place where you meditate – your home!

- Fill your home with beauty and happy memories.
Make your home an extension of yourself! Choose items that have special meaning, make you happy and inspire you. When choosing between keeping or removing a piece, ask yourself if it evokes good or bad memories, or has positive or negative connotations.
Artwork, books, trinkets, signs, memory jars and framed photos all serve to make your home a place of positive energy.
- Reduce the consumption of electrical appliances
Having the TV on can affect the ambiance of a room – depending on what you’re watching and how it makes you feel. Be aware of when and what you watch on TV.
There is a direct cause-effect relationship between the amount of time spent watching TV and an eventual diagnosis of depression, this is something that definitely lowers the vibrational levels in both yourself and your home. To counteract this I recommend orgones.
- Eliminate toxins
Having a house full of chemicals and other toxins surely has a negative impact on your health, your mental well-being and the vibrations around you. These are quickly and easily eliminated by choosing to use natural substitutes.
- Create a space for relaxation
While your entire home should feel like a place where you can relax and enjoy yourself, creating your own sanctuary in a room, cubicle or corner can be very important to you.
Cherish this space and enjoy the time you have to yourself – spend at least ten minutes there every day.
It can be used for meditation, reading, yoga, or anything else that revitalizes you and raises your vibrations. I for example have my altar and yoga mat in front of me, which if I don’t do yoga every day I meditate there at least 5 minutes a day.

About the Author
Comencé hace más de 6 años por sanarme a mi misma y de ahí llegaron a mi vida una tras otra diferentes técnicas de sanación.